
Hi and welcome to smartsotech.com – the best place to come for easy-to-understand information about the apps and technology that we use every day.

I’ve always been interested in understanding how things worked. I remember when I was a kid dismantling an electronic car key just so I could put it back together again. The sense of achievement after clicking the last piece into position and seeing that everything still worked just as it did before was worth it for the fear of being grounded if it didn’t work!

In recent years, I’ve become more interested in the apps and tech products that are intertwined into our everyday lives.

How do they work?

What can you do with them and what are the limits of their capability?

I wouldn’t consider myself an expert, just a curious and enthusiastic user, but these are some of the questions that I seek to answer on this website.

When I’m not writing here, I occasionally hang out on Twitter or Quora. Feel free to say hello.

I hope you find what you’re looking for on this website and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch.

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